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Ubuntu job 종료 (stopped job 종료) 명령어 본문


Ubuntu job 종료 (stopped job 종료) 명령어

veryhi 2022. 8. 9. 10:58


The general job control commands in Linux are:

  • jobs - list the current jobs
  • fg - resume the job that's next in the queue
  • fg %[number] - resume job [number]
  • bg - Push the next job in the queue into the background
  • bg %[number] - Push the job [number] into the background
  • kill %[number] - Kill the job numbered [number]
  • kill -[signal] %[number] - Send the signal [signal] to job number [number]
  • disown %[number] - disown the process(no more terminal will be owner), so command will be alive even after closing the terminal.



출처: https://superuser.com/questions/268230/how-can-i-resume-a-stopped-job-in-linux


How can I resume a stopped job in Linux?

How can I resume a stopped job in Linux? I was using emacs and accidentally hit ctrl-z which blasted me back to the console. I can see it when I type 'jobs' [*****]$ jobs [1]+ Stopped ...



예를 들어 shell 창에서 jobs만 입력하면, 현재 실행 중인 job들을 확인할 수 있고,

fg를 입력하면 방금 전에 큐에 들어간 작업을 다시 불러온다.
